Thursday 31 January 2019

LFTVD terminology

How to write an essay:

Answer the question

VOD: Video on demand
Horizontally integrated: Consolidation of many firms that handle the same part of the production process
Vertically integrated:
Above the line: Paid advertisement
Below the line: Free advertisement

Water cooler: Small conversation
Shared universe: Everyone talking about it
Easter eggs: Hidden message/ secret feature of work
State of nation TV: Long form shows challenge the simpler storylines and stereotypical characters dominating TV in the US
Foreshadowing: Indicating a future event
Beyond the binary: Constantly changing your opinion on something
Systematic change: Changing one person changes other things

Linear narrative: Clear beginning/ middle/ end- follows chronological timeline
Fragmented narrative (non-linear): Disrupted narrative, don't have clear steps and shows events out of chronological order- helps show parallel stories within a story (replicates how human mind works)
Restricted narrative: Experience the story through senses and thoughts of just 1 character- narrative cannot tell audience things the main character does not know.
Omnipresent narrative:  A panoramic view of the world of the storyline- point of view of many of the characters and helps audience see a broader range.

Closed endings: Traditionally one characters story that comes to a resolution- sometimes unique storyline per episode that is brought to a conclusion
Open endings: Ends on a cliff hanger, story line unique and can be unsatisfying for the audience.

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