Tuesday 7 November 2017

Tabloids and broadsheets

Leveson Inquiry 2001- in response to allegations of phone hacking at The News of the World (amongst others) was carried out. It suggested a code of conduct and tighter controls be imposed- nothing has really happened about this


Broadsheet: (Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Observer, The Independent)
  • Big Picture
  • Large title
  • Small advertisement
  • Catchy headliners
  • Lots of text
  • A,B,C1
  • Serious, formal and intellectual
  • Black and white
  • Small font
  • Not for youth
Tabloid: (The Sun, Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, Daily Star)
  • Bright colours
  • Less in depth journalism
  • Many different pictures
  • Bold writing and large font 
  • Short phrases
  • Popular and includes jokes/puns
  • Minimal text
  • Reality based lifestyle
  • C1,C2,D,E
  • Entertainment
  • Gimick
Mid market: (Daily Mail, London Evening Standard, Metro, Daily Express)

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